And now for something completely different ...
A trip to the yarn store.
Whenever I go to the yarn store, I go straight to the sock yarn. If I don't have anything in particular in mind, or a paticular pattern, sock yarn is something that I know I will always find a use for. For the yardage its inexpensive, you typically only need one skein for a project. I see what's new since I've been there last. I pick up skeins, touch them and pet them. I check out the colors. I stop and think ... well I like this color, but how will it knit up? Sometimes I grab something and walk around the store with it while I check out all the other yarns. If I still want it when I'm ready to leave, well then, its coming home.
I walk throughout the store and peruse everything. I think about all the patterns I've seen lately and what yarns I am seeing in the store that might work with them. Sometimes I take a slip of paper with pattern names and weights and yardage requirements, and if I find something that works, great!
If I walk around the store and come back to something more than three times ... well it should probably come home with me. I think, if I come back in a few weeks and this is gone, will I remember it and will I be upset that I didn't get it when I had the chance? That is a good measure if I should buy something or not. If its expensive, I think, well if its still here when I come again (and I remember it), then it means I should definitely buy it then (I actually did this once with some Malabrigo sock yarn).
Once I've gone through the store and have some skeins in my arms, I stop and look at them again. Think hard ... are you really going to knit this? Is there enough yardage for a project. Do you really like this color? Do you need this (usually the answer to this one is no, LOL). Sometimes things get put back ... but usually not ...
I love the process you have worked out for yarn purchases. Next Friday I will just happen to be parking next to a yarn shop when I go on a conference....I plan on testing your process to see if it works for me. What is the worse thing that could happen? More yarn? lolol
I ask myself all the same questions, but it usually comes home with me no matter what the answer!
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