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Ishbel and I had a fight this past weekend. Ishbel was ripped and frogged several times. Most patterns do the increase yarn overs on the right side row only. Ishbel is on both right and wrong, so I have to go from the garter stitch edge to purl stitches with a yo in between. I thought I was doing something weird so I looked up how to do it correctly. Found that you just go on to the next stitch and don't put the yarn in position, this creates a yarn over ... well it does, but I knit pretty tight so this technique resulted in something that was hardly decipherable as a yo and very hard to knit into on the next row ... RIP. And I went back to my way of creating a yo and going around 1/2 time again so that the working yarn is in position for the next stitch.
I ripped it once because I saw I made an extra stitch ... had thought I dropped one and was being good by picking it up ... nope, just created an extra one. When I did this, I think I dropped one from the edging, because several rows later I noticed a stitch way down below almost to the beginning, at this point I hadn't knit too much of it, so I just RIPPED and started over again ...

Saroyan is coming along nicely. I like the colors of the yarn and the pattern is super easy. Its hard to photograph well though.

Just because she's so darn cute!
ooh pretty yarn, frogging must be really frustrating!!! pretty kitty too xxx
Ishbel and I struggled too. It looks like it should be easy but somehow it isn't.
Sorry to hear you're struggling with Ishbel! Sometimes it seems projects just aren't meant to be.
I haven't tried Ishbel yet. But the colours of the yarn you're working with are gorgeous.
Ishbel's near the top of my queue. I hope yours will go together nicely now that you've make the practice version (that's what I call it when I frog, seems more comforting that way). My daughter made me a Saroyan this fall and I love wearing it -- yours is going to be spectacular in that green yarn.
Ishbel is such a pretty pattern. I'm sure all this frogging will be worth it in the end. As you get further in the pattern, maybe you can try adding in a lifeline. I usually use embroidery floss or unwaxed dental floss.
I always make more mistakes when I am undoing lace than when I am knitting it! That Ishbel is so pretty though. It will be worth it. That is a perfect color you chose for a leafy shawl. . . very pretty!
It sounds like Ishbel won't be coming up in my queue. Good luck with it.
Cats are really cute in the laundry.
Won't it feel like such a triumph when you get Ishbel done? Cute kitty (I know, redundant!).
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