I'm sure you all know - what's good for your behind isn't so great for your face! My nose hurts ... I feel like one of those kids on the animated commercial for Puffs.
I found a great podcast today while I was snuffling and sniffling called Fiber Beat. Check it out, he's got some interviews with plenty of people you've heard of. Most recent was Franklin Habit of The Panopticon. Right now I am listening to an older episode with Lucy Neatby.
Cast off the Baby Surprise Jacket today! 12 days for this project ... well I still have to seam it up and add buttons. Its for a man I used to work with, my mom still works there and she told me his wife is due in February and they are having a boy.
I used Patons Kroy Socks FX. I went on Ravelry and found I wasn't the only person who thought that the skeins varied wildly, even from the same dye lot. So much so that when I went to the counter with 4 skeins ... all from the same lot, I checked them all while I was looking at them, the cashier said, "You know you have different colors right?"
If you have never knit a Baby Surprise Jacket this is what it looks like when you are done:

Then you do some origami and it looks like this. Its pretty amazing.

And for some reason I thought I needed more yarn than when I knit one before (it was a different yarn though, so I guess I had some good reason to need 4 skeins of sock yarn). This is left over from the SECOND skein. But hey, I needed more sock yarn right?

Next baby I know of is due in August. They are keeping the gender a surprise. I really liked how the Kroy FX worked up, and there are some other nice colors out there so I will do that again. I am also going to finish up this blanket that's been sitting around for ages. The original kid I was knitting it for must be at least 2 or 3 years old now! And since this is done in gender neutral colors, its like I intended it for this one right?!

Getting this out of the way will free up some room in my WIP bin. Its really an ottoman, but serves nicely as a place to store WIPs.

I haven't made a BSJ. The pattern always looks interesting when I see sweaters on other blogs.
That blanket should go nicely for any baby that should be around when you finish it. I have a cross stitch one I started for my now 6 yr old granddaughter. I may have it finished in time for the next generation, I hope.
Love your ottomon. I could use several to hide my stuff in.
whoops, I forgot to add, I hope your feeling better soon. Wish I could share my box of Puffs Plus with you.
That is rotten to feel that bad. A bit of moisturiser can sometimes help a bit. The baby jacket is gorgeous. Love the otterman....Keeps it all within reach!
LOVE the ottoman as a WIP bin.
Hope you are on the mend!
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