I had a scheduled floating holiday off from work today. One thing ... of the many ... that's been driving me crazy lately is the paper disorganization. We lost a change form for our home owner's policy recently. Though while going through stacks of mail, I found a change endorsement with the changes on it and never did find the form ... did we mail it?!?! I have no idea. So I went through the basket and stacks of mail around the house for 1 hour today and came up with these manageable piles left over after all the junk and unnecessary stuff was tossed. Yeah, these are the "manageable piles" ... the stack on the right are bank statements ... don't ask me how far they go back, but we've lived here for 2 years ...

Ishbel and I have been getting along well after one little tiff. For some reason now that I am past the "easy" stockinette portion and on to the lace ... its smooth sailing! I can't wait to block it. I haven't completed a genuine lace project before, meaning something that needs quite a bit of blocking for the pattern to show through. I think that's all it'll need though, if I tug this way and that it makes a big difference in the look of the lace pattern as opposed to the mangled mess you see here on the needles.

That would be a toy mouse you see on the floor. The cats are typically not allowed in here because there's way too much trouble for them to get into. They have the entire dining room and hallway to play with these mice (actually the entire rest of the house, but those are the two areas next to my craft room)... where do they always end up? Under the door and into my craft room. I think they know exactly what they are doing, because once its under the door they can whine and cry and stick their feet under the door and be pitiful until I finally give in and open the door. Then they jump up and run in here as fast as they can ... usually right to some yarn or other project.
Ahem, I recognise these piles of paper. My mail into this sort of mess a while back. Well actually a whole lot worse. My OH bought an electric shredder and we went to town. Now we have as many bills and statements as possible by email and shred most other stuff when it arrives. Oh we also put junk in recycling asap. It is wonderful Ro be free of the towering and scary piles of paper. I heartily recommend a shredder for keeping on top of stuff and the sense of satisfaction you get when you put things through the whirring blades.
Oh and your cats know exactly what they are doing. Cats do nothing without a plan!
I actually do have a shredder ... have to use it! And you know, bunny bedding is pretty expensive, I could use all this paper for that!
Bunnies love to chew shredded paper and non-shredded paper. Might they have gotten to your missing form?
The shawl looks good.
Cats think they need all doors open and access to all areas. There could be real mice in there.
Your piles of paper look a lot more manageable than some of my stacks of lecture notes.
Can't wait to see the shawl!
I am glad that I am not the only one with piles of paper! Looking forward to seeing the finished blocked shawl.
Blocking will make a world of difference!
All my cats' toys seem to end up under the stove...
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