This is one of the projects on my list, it was supposed to be a Christmas gift in 2008. As you can see, its nowhere near completion, but getting there. This is one of those projects that isn't easy to take with you. There are 12 different colors and each color uses a different number of rows, so its not easy to figure how many skeins you need to take up x amount of time. I had it on 16" circulars, but somebody decided to floss their teeth with them and now one needle point is all chewed up. So they are on straights now, which I am actually liking better anyway, but didn't need to lose a needle set to find that out!!
I had a real craving to go and buy yarn this weekend, so instead, I took one of the plastic tubs up from the basement and dug through that and touched things. There are some skeins of yarn I forget I have, so its like shopping all over again, but its free!
Good idea to curb the yarn buying urge! :)
I tried a little organizing in our back room this weekend, I didn't get very far... it's so overwhelming! Maybe one of these days I'll get it all sorted out.
I can relate to not knowing which needles you have! I have a bunch that are stuck in UFOs in my closet. I can usually curb the yarn buying urge if I "go shopping in my stash" too.
Shopping the stash ... it's a good thing. I think most of us could probably shop our stash for a long time before we would need to replenish.
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