Our company uses Jet Blue for air travel and I enjoyed it. The tv consoles at every seat were pretty cool and made the flight go by a lot quicker ... my snacks did too :o)

I had a really nice hotel room. Here's where the knitting happened.

Here's the bathroom.

Here's where nothing happened! We went out to eat every night.

Here's where the sleeping happened ... and some knitting too!

Here's the wonderfully blue skies I got to see all week. It was HOT though!

And most importantly of all ... I got a Peanut Butter and Jelly smoothie before we left.

Unfortunately I did not get to shop any yarn stores this trip ... though where I would put any purchases I have no idea, my bag was packed to the brim ... I couldn't even bring a bathing suit! I didn't want to check baggage for a three day trip, but I had to bring business clothes for day and shorts and tanks for evening, so I actually had 6 outfits in my tiny carry-on. Luckily I have a large purse, so my camera and knitting fit in there.
We arrived in MA around 11pm Thursday night, then my co-worker drove me to work to pick up my truck ... that's 45 minutes, then it was another 45 minutes home. So I got home around 1AM. I had to work Friday and Saturday (was inventory). Friday evening after work I went to a local bar to a get together for a co-worker that was leaving for another job. I so wanted to go home and sleep, but he an I got along so well and I cosider him a friend, we talked tv and movies, shared DVDs, read the same books and discussed them. There was no way I could not show up, I would've been really upset with myself. I was so exhausted by Saturday afternoon. I came home and parked my butt on the couch for the rest of the day! Feeling much better today.
Glad you had a good trip. The pictures over the bridge are beautiful!
Welcome home! I'm exhausted just hearing about it all!
Wow, sounds like a great trip! I bet it was bummer coming home to rainy, cloudy MA!
Sounds like a good trip....Have the yarn shop post your purchases to you. ;) I've never seen a peanut butter and jelly smoothie. I like the sound of it. I'll be looking for a recipe and whizzing it up in the blender....for research purposes of course! lol
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