It is a dental floss threader and it works wonders for threading beads onto yarn! The yarn goes through the loop and the beads go on the other end and they are fed onto the yarn.

The dental floss threader is flexible plastic, so the loop closes up when beads are pushed down it and then onto the yarn.

The pattern I'm working on had a great tip - don't count out 1205 beads! Instead, thread some on and measure 1" of beads. Count how many beads it takes to cover 1" then do the math (its like stitch gauge).
My project calls for 1205 beads. My "bead gauge" is 12 beads cover 1". 1205 / 12 = 100.4. So, I need to thread beads on until I have 100.4" of yarn covered. That turns out to be quite a bit of yarn!! I did a little over that to be sure I had enough - about 101". And then I put some more on ... and a few more ... just to make sure.

At first I was picking up one bead at a time between my thumb and index finger and placing it on the dental floss threader. I shortly figured out that I didn't want to do this 1205+ times, so I found that if I inserted the tip of the threader into the hole of the bead a applied a little pressure the bead flipped onto its side and magically popped onto the threader!

2 hours later and I had threaded on all the beads I needed! I did take a few breaks, LOL!

After one week I completed chart A and am ready to move on to chart B. Chart B repeats 6 times, then there's another repeat with an additional 2 rows.

Here is a close up of the beading. I'm really enjoying this pattern. The only difficulty is that sometimes the beads slip along the yarn and end up where they are not supposed to be. I hope once it is blocked that will "lock" them in place a bit.

The only other frustration is that whenever I run out of working yarn, I have to stop for several minutes to shove all the beads down a length of yarn before I can resume knitting. But all in all I am enjoying it so far!
How is your beading going? Did you learn anything new? Is anything frustrating you if you're new to beading?
For those just joining the Summer 2011 Bead-A-Long: to share your weekly BAL post with us, just fill out the Mr. Linky below. Mr. Linky automatically adds the request to comment once you've linked, don't feel as if you have to. I just ask you to check out a few of the links posted to see what everyone else is working on and comment there if you can. After all, that's the whole point of the Bead-A-Long :o) Also, please remember to link back to my blog in your post to get the word out about the Bead-A-Long!
Please remember to use the new link to your post from this week, over writing the one that Mr. Linky has saved already. Thanks!
Wow! You certainly chose an ambitious beading project!
You are doing a fabulous job. Keep it up.
The beaded parts almost look like little dragonflies. It's beautiful.
That's very clever with the dental floss thing-y. I'm going to be stringing a lot of beads for some cuffs for round vases - Ndebele beadwork I think - and that tip is going to come in really handy!
I tried beading once but I couldn't figure out how to keep the beads where I put them. They kept moving along through the stitches. Do you twist something to anchor the beads?
I've pretty much given up on my bag... I think I'm going to work from a pattern! Though, I brought some very pretty red 6/0 seed beads! So I just need to get me some fingering or sock weight yarn... *thinks*
Whew! That is a lot of beads!!
Oh, that's going to be GOR-GE-OUS!
What a nifty tool, I have beading needles too but I'll have to get one of those.
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