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I'm on a mission, once and for all to finish these WIPs! Let's see if I can complete them by the end of the year! Some of them have been hanging around for years ... and I always feel a little pang of guilt when I cast on something new ... or frustration when the needles I need to cast on something new are on one of these old WIPs.
I don't hate any of these projects, I don't dislike the yarn ... I really can't say why they have been around for so long (some more *years* than others).

Tibetan Coriolis Socks
Yarn Dyed by Me
This one hasn't been around all that long, only a few weeks.

Nugatory Socks
Yarn Dyed by Me
Another one ... love the pattern and the yarn. Not sure why they keep hanging around.

February Lady Sweater
Malabrigo Worsted
Lovely pattern, keep messing up the lace ... oh I can knit a shawl like there's no tomorrow ... give me a super simple lace pattern, I'm sure to mess it up!

Brown Sheep Lambs Pride Worsted
Love the yarn, don't love knitting scarves ... love the pattern ... it'll get done someday.

Icarus Shawl
Knit Picks Shadow
Love the pattern and the yarn ... don't love the bajillion stitches I'm up to ...

Bat Shawl
Knit Picks Gloss Fingering
Awesome pattern. The shawl itself is done, can't get a whole photo, its squashed on the needles right now. On to the edging ... that's all that's left, but its a bajillion and one stitches.

Faux Dr. Who Scarf
Many Different Yarns - DK Weight
This one is fun to knit, but it just keeps going and going and going ... for 4 years now ...

Reversible Cable Scarf
Berocco Ultra Alpaca
This project hasn't been touched in so long, this is the last photo and that carpet has been gone for well over a year now. Did I mention I hate knitting scarves?!?!
And for your viewing pleasure and a giggle, if you've made it through this entire post, while searching for photos of old projects, I found one of my favorite pics of Nikoh from when we first got him ...

Awww, love the pic of Nikoh!! How cute! Great projects that you have - sometimes I just get bored too with things and have no real reason for not working on them... perhaps that is it? I also wanted to tell you that I loved your idea of putting a stitch marker on a project to mark your progress (you left it as a comment on Natalie's blog)- thanks for that tip!!
I was popping over to say thanks for the progress marker tip - think I need to adopt that one! I like all of your UFOs, but sometimes they're just not what you're after, right? I try not to have too many WIPs, but there are times when I just don't want to knit any of them/
Wow that's a lot of WIPs you have!
I'm guilty of "ohhh, new!" too, but there's time for everything, so maybe one day we'll both have a handful of FOS TO POST ;o)
WOW, that's a lot of projects. They are all lovely, you are very talented.
I have way more UFOs than that!! =) Even in the knitting realm...and stitching...well, let's not even go there. ;)
thats a awful lot of WIP's I'd be in panic mode!
Wow, wild yarn on those first socks! Good luck with the WIPs.
Lovely projects - especially the Saroyan
maybe work on the one closest to finishing in between other newer things? they all look great to me!
That's A LOT of projects. LOL I guess I'd work an hour on each one in rotation until they got done.
I don't know though ... I've never been a multi-project girl. I'm a monogamous knitter.
Hahaha, I have two Doctor Who scarves that have been in progress since what, 2008? So I know exactly how you feel, there!
Really love your hand-dyed yarn for the top set of socks. I want it! :)
So if you're doing a then & now, how about a pic of Nikoh now ? :-)
So many lovely WIPs - I am so curious to see the Bat Shawl - the colours looks fab!
Wow, that's a lot of WIPs! I love the two yarns dyed by you. The first is SO bright! Such a cute kitty.
I love the bat shawl, very cool! I also really like the look of the doctor who scarf! Looking forward to seeing your wips on fo fridays!
Oh that's and ace photo of your kitty!
I love love the first sock yarn--it's spectacular! And Nicoh's picture is priceless--thanks for sharing!
The yarn for the first sock is so.freaking.cool.
The bat is darling and I am a sucker for kitteh pictures.
I am in awe of your prowess with the WIP. I multitask but I would go nuts with that many!
So it seems that you have enough UFO's to keep you going. Love the pic of the cat!
Thanks for sharing your WIPs. It's hard to sometimes work out why we haven't finished a project. Usually for me, it is because I see something new I "have to" knit right NOW! And then the project I was working on gets tossed aside!
wow, a bunch of WIP's but really really great ones...LOVE the kitty
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