Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Where is the year going?

Time seems to be speeding by, not that I am "old" - but they say it goes quicker the older you get ... it does.

I have a few finished objects to share.  I have been quite monogamous with my knitting lately.

Project Peace Cowl

This was a KAL last year focusing on peace in your life and the world.  It was a fun KAL and the pattern was intended to be easy so you could kind of meditate and be peaceful while you were working on it.

Project Peace Cowl
Yarn: Knit Picks Hawthorn Kettle Dyed - Slate
Started: Nov 28, 2016
Finished: Jan 3, 2017

Making Christmas Socks

These socks were my Christmas Eve cast on. I knit them up in the Making Christmas colorway (Nightmare Before Christmas reference).  Plain vanilla socks with Fish Lips Kiss Heel - I love how the heels/color turned out!

Making Christmas Socks
Yarn: Play at Life Fiber Arts Jest - Making Christmas
Started: Dec 24, 2016
Finished: Feb 15, 2017

This was an AWESOME pattern to knit!  I have only done Brioche once before and it was just a section in a shawl.  This was Brioche in the round and after several rows, it started to make sense to  me.  It was super fun to knit and see how the stitches all lined up and formed.

Yarn: Louet Gems Worsted - Mint and Lavender
Started: Jan 11, 2017
Finished: March 9, 2017

And that's all for knitting!  Like I mentioned, I've been quite monogamous, but three projects completed in three months makes me happy.  I'll be back with spinning later.


Anonymous said...

I am not one to use the word, 'awesome' much, but I think it's the perfect word for your Rosenkranz! I've not yet ventured into brioche--it looks so impressive.


Marie said...

The hat is gorgeous! I am going to get up the nerve one day to try that. This was going to be the year of trying new things, but that has not happened yet. I am trying to knit a pair of sox each month for three different KAL's.

elns said...

I read the post title and immediately thought, "to hell in a handbasket." LOL sorry, that kind of day.

Anyhow you have been rather busy eh? Lots of Finished Objects. I've seen the kitties on Instagram. :)

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