Friday night I finished the class kits for this coming Wednesday. I am so relieved! It was coming down to the wire and I was afraid I would be up until 1am that day making up kits. We rented a dumpster that was dropped off on Friday. Which meant, this weekend would be spent primarily filling the dumpster because we wouldn't have time during the week with working to do much.

Saturday ... was spent filling the dumpster, LOL! We actually got a lot done in only 3 hours. We had a lot of construction debris piled outside the shed. We also had my old mattress in the basement from when we got a new bed. Lots of stuff that can't go in the regular trash. Next time we do construction though, we'll rent a smaller dumpster right away ... picking up carpets and wood that's been sitting outside for two years, disgusting doesn't even cover it ... oh and it was raining too, so extra yucky and slimy and buggy. Yick! I'll spare you photos of trash, LOL!

I am taking a writing class from the local community college on descriptive writing. Its a short class, 6 weeks or so. There are several different writing courses on different topics available online, I think I may sign up for another when this one ends.

I am still actively battling Startitis! I so want to start new projects, but I still have nine knitting projects on my list of WIPs and two that I just started recently. Eleven projects and for some reason I feel the need to start more ...

I posted my Jadis Earrings pattern on Ravelry. Special thanks to Valerie for test knitting and finding an entire row missing, LOL!
I received my Socks that Rock shipment, I won't be posting a photo in case other members haven't received their shipment yet. Its awesome, perfect for October. Its called Drop Dead Sexy.
Oh ... I forgot I told the woman who sends out the newsletter for the knitter's guild that I would make up extra kits for sale during the class ... so this is what I did Sunday night after the reminder email for the meeting this month arrived in my inbox ...

Starting a new project is your reward for all your work on the weekend. The ear rings look fabulous. Well done on getting all your kits made up. That was an achievement in itself! Reason to start another project! ;) Your ear rings look lovely.
Busy weekend! The earrings are just gorgeous - I've been too sick to get much knitting done, but I'm definitely going to buy the pattern when I recover!
Love the kits! and boy can I relate to startitis - lol. My latest rationale is veering towards learning to accept that's just who I am and embrace it. Could be big trouble but definite fun.
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