Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What the heck am I doing?!?!

I collect patterns. Maybe doesn't sound like such a big deal. I knit, right? Therefore I have patterns. But I collect them and spend more time browsing patterns and saving files sometimes than I do knitting. What the heck is wrong with me?

As I was thinking this (I'm having one of those antsy, crawling out of my skin, stuck in the house, freezing cold and hate winter days so bear with me) I thought, what you collected several shawl patterns right? And you've completed how many shawls? Oh yeah ... NONE! Then I looked on my computer and noticed I have 32 shawl patterns saved ... THIRTY-TWO. Really?

I don't even want to know how many socks patterns I've hoarded ... because at least there I've actually knit several pairs of socks ... I bet though that the ratio of sock patterns to sock knitting vs. shawl patterns to shawl knitting is probably equal. Say I've knit 7 pairs of socks ... yeah I'm sure I have 80-100 patterns ... definitely if you include the books I've got, which I've knit, oh yeah, NO patterns out of yet.

UUgghhh! I could be doing so many other things with this time, like knit, clean my house, knit, go through that stack of mail tipping over and ready to fall on the floor ... oh yeah and KNIT!


Sue said...

lolol You are not alone. There are MANY of us....

geeky Heather said...

Hee hee...I also have a large stack of patterns, and the needlework is MUCH worse. We used to have discussions about the separate hobbies of "stitching" versus "chart collecting"...much like "art collecting". Completely justifiable as a separate though related hobby. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh you are definitely not alone there. I have stacks and stacks of Rowan and Vogue Knitting magazines. Maybe I'll never knit out of them, but maybe I will. Who knows? I like that if I'm bored, I can go through old issues and find something exciting!

Delusional Knitter said...

Thanks! Glad to know its not just me :o)

Anita said...

I'm so far behind on my blog reading... but this was just too funny. :) I do the same thing! ha ha

And I finally clicked on the "follow" on your blog even though I've had it in my google reader for years. :)