Wednesday night was the first Knitter's Guild meeting of the new year (for us it starts in September). Someone brought a whole lotta yarn to de-stash. I got away with these and some wounds ... tried to grab something someone else already claimed, but it was on the table in front of her, not in her hand so I didn't know, LOL!

3 skeins of Rowan Calmer ... can you tell which one the cats found in the bag in the hallway before I realized I left it out there?!?! 4 skeins of Jo Sharp Infusion Kid Mohair.

I received my Trindle in the mail. I thought it was taking a while, but when I looked up the shop's policies, it was indeed not. So I got it in more than the allotted time they quote. It is awesome. I haven't tried it out yet, but it is beautiful.
The local yarn store stayed open late for us after the Knitters' Guild meeting, the owner is a member of the guild and we get 10% off all purchases. Our group project for this year is the Beaded Fall Leaves Neck Warmer ... which I can't find online otherwise I'd link to it. So I got yarn appropriate for it once I saw the pattern, the yarn that I brought I don't think would have went well with the pattern. Oh did I say no more yarn this year??? Well this Regia Blitz was too much for me. Its self striping, but check it out!!!

While I was home sick Friday with a cold, I wanted to watch an animated film. That is my all time favorite genre. I looked up On Demand movies and saw Dragon Hunters - Amazing animation and a surreal landscape of floating mideval cities and islands in the sky sparks this spunky tale of a young girl and the pair of slacker dragon-hunters who join her on an action packed quest. It totally fit the bill.

What I was amazed at was the main character and ultimate hero - Lian-Chu is a sword wielding, muscle-bound warrior who actually deals out the dragon slaying. He is kindhearted and honorable. He is also an avid knitter. He knits!!!! And his weapon was destroyed in the battle with the World Gobbler ... so he used his knitting needles to slay it, LOL!!! OMG, best movie ever!!!
lolol Now that is a movie I will be looking The mohair is lovely, isn't it? I've not knitted with it, but have fondled it in her shop. What is it about cats and anything fabric or yarn related? I have to were you wounded? Do you need to wear safety gear next time you go to a Guild meeting? ;)
When we were kids we used to yell "SCRAMBLE" and toss our card collections in the air to destash!
Looks like you snagged some good stuff!
Whoa, how old is this movie!? And why haven't I heard of it, what with my animating boyfriend and all!?
You get free yarn at your Guild? We do not. There are vendors every month, though, and they always bring cool stuff. We also donate yarn to a woman who works with men and women in prison, so I always feel good about destashing that way.
That self-striping yarn is eye-catching, no wonder you needed it so badly :-)
I'm completely intrigued by the movie... must see if we have it on Netflix.
Woo hoo!! Thank you again for the side quest prize!
I will have to add that movie to the queue; it sounds great and I love animated films, too!
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