Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sometimes you need a ...

Sometimes you need a swift kick in the butt, or a serious makeover to shake things up a bit. I am one that gets stuck in a rut easily. Things become blah and mundane.

This past weekend we went to a concert and I have a renewed appreciation of music. I can feel it. I listen to the lyrics. Its not just background noise that I block out.

I went to the Knitters' Guild meeting tonight. I have a renewed excitement for knitting. I am itching to finish projects and cast new ones on!

I need to remember to renew and get a new perspective on life sometimes!! Ever feel that way??


Minding My Own Stitches said...

Sometimes when I listen to music under headphones I feel like a teenager again which gets me thinking about whether my teenager-self would be happy with where I am today.

Barbara from Nova Scotia said...

Thanks for the kick. Needed that.