Thursday, December 29, 2011

War of WIPs Call to Arms #22

Want to join the war?? Check out the 2011 War of WIPs page.

This is the last post for the 2011 War of WIPs, thank to those of you that joined in the battle!!!

Derek's scarf is finished!!! I still have to weave in some ends and block it, but the knitting is done!!

Bat Shawl Vanquished 8/27/11
Celeano Shawl Vanquished 10/16/11
Niantic Rose Shawl 12/31/11
Ribband 12/31/11
Coriolis Socks Vanquished 9/8/11
Nugatory Socks Vanquished 10/28/11
Derek's Scarf - Knitting done 12/29/11.
Reversible Cable Scarf 11/30/11
Saroyan Vanquished 11/15/11

I didn't accomplish everything on my list, but I am very happy having a lot of those long standing projects completed this year!

Please post your year end results!!


kathy b said...

You did so well for the year!

Alyssa said...

It's awesome how much got done! Looking back on the year, I have quite a few WIPs that I need to get done in 2012... >__>