Thursday, December 15, 2011

War of WIPs Call to Arms #21

Want to join the war?? Check out the 2011 War of WIPs page.

War of WIPs will be wrapping up soon for 2011!

I've been plugging along on Derek's Scarf. Since Monday I've completed 28 rows. My plan for now is to complete this scarf for Christmas and I will be happy with my War of WIPs for the year.

Next Battles on the Horizon:

Bat Shawl Vanquished 8/27/11
Celeano Shawl Vanquished 10/16/11
Niantic Rose Shawl 12/31/11
Ribband 12/31/11
Coriolis Socks Vanquished 9/8/11
Nugatory Socks Vanquished 10/28/11
Derek's Scarf 11/30/11
Reversible Cable Scarf 11/30/11
Saroyan 11/30/11 Vanquished 11/15/11

Participation here has kind of fizzled out, so if you'd like to include your post, please post a link in the comments. Thanks!


Sue said...

WoW was a great idea. It gave me the kick start I needed to get the scarf finished this decade!

Minding My Own Stitches said...

You have done well on your list! My next couple of weeks are going to be busy with gift knitting. It'll be the New Year before I can take on any new (or old) challenges!

geeky Heather said...

Well, I did get a couple things on my list finished, but between prework for classes and gift knitting, I haven't been able to touch anything in weeks! At least it prompted me to organize my needles...that was a good thing. =)

Beadknitter said...

I am so impressed with how you've been sticking with this. I, on the other hand, have not. In fact I gave up the whole idea. I just couldn't do it right now. Maybe in 2012?