Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The answer to everything is ... 42

Because the answer to everything is 42.  If you get that ... welcome to the club.  If you don't ... well you missed the nerd boat and you're still standing on the pier.

Since that's the answer, I am jump starting my path to finding time for hobbies, by focusing on finishing The Hitchhiker!


Anonymous said...

Are you doing your hitchhiker in orange too?

Minding My Own Stitches said...

I got a very blank stare the other day at work when I inappropriately answered "42" to a work problem :0

Lynn said...

This is the reason I stayed 42 for a couple of years!

Stefanie said...

I have decided that this is the year I am going to win powerball. When I told my sister this, she asked why, I told her, "because I turn 42." she gave me that same blank stare.