Want to join the war?? Check out the 2011 War of WIPs page.
In addition to finishing WIPs, there will be optional side quests to organize your knitting life! Check out the War of WIPs page for more information!

Tibetan Coriolis Socks
Yarn Dyed by Me
Started: June 2011

Nugatory Socks
Yarn Dyed by Me
Started: June 13, 2010

February Lady Sweater
Malabrigo Worsted
Started: May 15, 2010

Brown Sheep Lambs Pride Worsted
Started: January 22, 2011

Icarus Shawl
Knit Picks Shadow
Started: June 27, 2010

Bat Shawl
Knit Picks Gloss Fingering
September 2009
Deadline - Halloween 2011

Faux Dr. Who Scarf
Many Different Yarns - DK Weight
Started: Sometime in 2007 I believe

Reversible Cable Scarf
Berocco Ultra Alpaca
Started: ???? A Long, Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
And not so knitty projects:
Though this one has to do with knitting. I have two of these boxes, one holds roving that's in the process of being spun and the other holds knitting magazines. I have only stenciled one side of one box. They are both painted, but the stenciling is not done yet and I started them back in February or earlier of this year.

This cross stitch has been around for at least 3 years, probably more ...

If you are joining the quest to defeat the WIPs, please join the Call to Arms here:
Huzzah! Huzzah! I join with thee fair Lady in a call to arms and hath left me mark with the brave knight Mr Linky. Be warned, he can be a knave and keep all marks to himself. Me hath given a rousing call to arms at me blog.
I told ye Mr Linky could be a knave...He hath taken my mark twice....
Okay please dont hit me with a pie...but I am so damn monogamous with my knitting it is obsessive...so I only have one thing on the needles currently..
my good old lace scarf that I love knitting.....
Im ducking now!
Never fear, good lady Sue! I have stepped into the void and now we are three on our quest!
Oh yeah! I'm in! I need to get some projects that are nagging me off my back. ;-)
that's an awful lot of WIP's I wouldn't be able to sleep! I only have 2 on the go so won't join you but good luck
Just what I need to face up to my WIP. Hanging head in shame. I USED to say I had to finish one in order to start another that kept the hoard to 4 or 5 at a time. I shall update my Ravelry and face the music.
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