Thursday, April 14, 2016

Sophie's Universe CAL Clue 4

Finished Clue 4 of Sophie's Universe CAL today with the optional flowers.  I'm surprised that I retained the crochet stitches since I haven't touched this in a few months or more (I don't really know, Clue 3 was completed a year ago).  At this point, the only thing I have to review are standing stitches - used in lieu of joining yarn with a sl stitch and chaining sts, its seamless and looks just like the other stitches.  

I am very pleased with it - BUT - I remembered quickly why it sits for a while ... a few hours into work this afternoon my wrist/hand started to hurt and I was wondering what I did.  Did I whack it off the counter, did I bend it back the wrong way?!?!  Oh yeah ... I crocheted a lot this morning before work ...


Anonymous said...

Your Sophie's Universe will be gorgeous when finished.

I know the feeling in the wrist--experienced it when I started my Goldberry Shawl. But now my wrist is more use to the movement of the hook (though I still take many rest periods when crocheting).


Anonymous said...

That is such a cheery piece. You'll just have to take it slow so your wrist gets used to the new movement.