Friday, October 25, 2013

VideoCast Episode 69 - Still Slightly Spaztastic

Episode 69
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Updates & Housekeeping

·         Welcome newbies, if you are returning, thanks!!
·         Week in Review
o    Training
o    New bunny
o    Business Cards
o    Knitting Needles - This set is including the flowing 11 sizes: 1.5mm/1.75mm/2.0mm/2.25mm/2.75mm/3.0mm/3.25mm/3.75mm/4.0mm/4.5mm/5.0mm/(UK6--16) $5.69 + 0.99 = 0.60/set
o    Unemployment
o    Heat

·         Blip?!?


o    Sock Head Hat
o    30 Day Sweater
o    Sleeves / yarn matching
o    Ribbing divided by 4
o    Fish Lips Kiss Heel Socks

String Theory  

o    No spinning
o    Into the Whirled Shipment

o    Shaping Shawls by Anna Dalvi


o    Shawl Design
o    New Design
o    Fingerless Mitts Design – You name the pattern giveaway last chance!!!
o    Ravelry Patterns
o    Alby by Bonne Marie Burns $5
o    my inner viking sweater by Jenny Faifel $6
o    Ravello by Issabell Kraemer $7

Delusional Jabber

o    2013 Revelations
o    Novel Writing
o    Steam Games
§  None
o    Reading
§  Walking Dead Comics
o    TV
§  Sleepy Hollow
§  Once Upon a Time – caught up to the current season
§  Once Upon a Time in Wonderland


·         Ravelry: delusionalknitter 
o    Ravelry Board: Revelations of a Delusional Knitter Podcast
·         Blogspot:
·         Gmail:
·         Etsy Shop

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