Monday, April 16, 2012

My Angora Bunny!

Saturday we met with a breeder and put a deposit down on an English Angora bunny. He's not old enough to go home yet.

He is so sweet and such a snuggler!

He is a Harlequin. White is better for spinning because you can dye it any color, but he really is a pet first and fiber producer second and I love his colors!


Stefanie said...

He is just disgustingly cute.

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

So cute! Congrats.

pinkundine said...

Lucky you! He's gorgeous!

Sue said...

He is absolutely beautiful! I worked with someone a few years ago who had rabbits for pets. I was lucky enough to get a one day visit in my classroom from a doe and her pups. It was a fabulous experience. There were some students who had never had a pet and were frightened at first of the rabbits, but by lunchtime they were patting and cuddling them. They are the most snuggly little creatures....and changing their litter trays is a lot less unpleasant than a cat tray! lol

Melanie said...

Super cute!!!!!

adrienne *+*(^_^) +*+ said...

so very cute...!! I want one too!!

geeky Heather said...

ZOMIGOSH, SO CUTE!!! Congrats on the bunny. I want one!!