Sunday, May 17, 2009

The sun is trying to come out

Its been one of those days where the sun keeps trying to come out, but the clouds keep hiding it. Its about 60 degrees out today, but a little chilly because of the lack of sun. Yesterday was nice, not too hot and sunny.

I finished one of the socks for my mom's birthday, took about a week. So I am confident that I will have them done in time, the end of the month. I also picked up a tank top that I started eons ago, then ripped out because I realized in my uneducated beginnings I was doing it wrong and the gauge was bad too so I don't think it would have fit, and started it back up a couple of months ago. Now the back is almost complete, will probably finish that today and maybe cast on the front.

I finished planting all of my pansies yesterday before they died a horrible sun drenched dehydrated death in the small plastic flat containers from the nursery. You'd think if it rained for two days they wouldn't need to be watered! Apparently one morning of sun dried them up.

Last weekend we went to a small sheep farm to see the babies. Its a lovely piece of property with rolling hills and lots of trees around all the fields. The weather was perfect for being outside.

The above two are the rams.

Here are some of the babies sleeping in the afternoon.

And here's one of the babies that the owner said were extra tame and could be mingled with.

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