I decided to jump on the bandwagon and make a pair of Fetching mitts. After finishing the left hand for myself, I found that these were such a quick knit that I would make a pair for my MIL for xmas. I am almost done the second one for her, so they will indeed be done for xmas. Then I can cast on and finish the second one for myself! I think I will end out ripping out the bind off on mine and redoing it. I didn't realize that the picot bind off was so loose, and I intentionally bound off loosely on top of that considering I usually bind off too tight. When I did the ones for MIL I bound off at a normal tension and it came out good, the one I first did as a test and for myself is too loose.
I ordered some more stuff from Knit Picks recently. I heard that they were discontinuing the kettle dyed, I am wondering if it is because their kettle dyed really doesn't look kettle dyed, looks more like a solid color. Not that I need anymore stash ... but it was on SALE!
I got this one a while back and a Jo Jo Land pattern to make a scarf.
These are recent additions while I was at the local yarn store. I wanted to try Melody on socks.
This mohair was in the clearance, make room bin at my LYS and it was purple, so who could pass that up, LOL!! I was thinking of making a scarf since there are only 3 skeins. I haven't used mohair in the past so its something new to me.
Some self patterning sock yarn, just because, plus it had purple in it, LOL!
I finished my Christmas shopping yesterday, which is horrible for me. Usually I am done it all in November or very early December. Don't think I'll be doing that again, I didn't like it at all! Will plan better next year. Although this year in mid-November the transmission in my truck went and I had to replace that at $2,300 and the kittens were fixed and had final shots at $468 ... so I was in no mood to spend money by mid-December, LOL!!! I also gave notice at my parttime job so that next year I can actually enjoy the house that I've been literally *working* so hard for, for the past two years. I actually think I got people better gifts this year because I had to think long and hard about what I was going to get them with the limited funds that I had.
Because of these recent financial things that have come up and I quit my parttime job, I am really going to try hard to knit only from stash in 2010. I really have plenty of yarn to keep my busy the entire year and won't have exra income to spend on yarn, especially if its going to be like past purchases that sit in my stash for a year or two, really no reason for me to purchase any more.
I started listening to A Christmas Carol on my MP3 player narrated by Tim Curry and its quite enjoyable. I am half way through the second book in the Sword of Truth series and will continue with that once this one is done.